
Rotation of Crops

I have always heard about crop rotation but hadn't really given it any thought until this year. I knew I had heard someone say that I should not plant my potatoes in the same place each year. But didn't realize I needed to rotate everything. Yes, everything, I think. Actually you should rotate by vegetable family. To do that you have to know who belongs to which family. So here is the list provided by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service fact sheet # HLA-6013.

Pea or Legume family - all peas and beans
Mustard family - cabbage, collards, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes
Goosefoot family - beets and spinach
Parsley family - carrots, parsley and celery
Nightshade family - Potatoes, tomatoes eggplant, and all peppers
Gourd family - (vine crops) squash, pumpkin, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber
Composite family - lettuce, dandelion, artichoke
Lily family - onions, garlic, chives
Grass family - sweet corn

Don't forget. You have to rotate by family not just single vegetable.

Why rotate you ask? It is an excellent way to keep soil borne disease, soil insects and nematodes at a minimum. Each vegetable family is susceptible to the same disease and insects. They also have the same effect on the soil. Therefore rotation is very important.

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